Bode plots offer a powerful graphical method for analyzing the frequency response of electronic circuits, including RC filters. By presenting the gain (or magnitude) and phase angle of a system's response across a range of frequencies, Bode plots serve as essential tools in control systems and electrical engineering for characterizing and designing circuits.
Decibels in Bode Plots
Decibels (dB) are a logarithmic measure used to express the ratio of two values of a physical quantity, commonly power or intensity in engineering contexts. The decibel scale simplifies the depiction of large amplitude or power level variations, making it ideal for representing the gain in Bode plots. The gain in decibels is calculated using:
Experiment Procedure
Materials and Setup
- Red Pitaya or equivalent for signal generation and oscilloscope functionality
- Resistors and capacitors for constructing RC filters
- Oscilloscope probes and cables, preferably with the lowest possible resistance and set in x1 mode
- Wiring and Calibration: Refer to the Red Pitaya's Bode analyzer calibration instructions for correct wiring. Ensure the probes are in x1 mode and that the signal output exhibits the lowest possible resistance. Use the "calibrate" button on the Red Pitaya's Bode analyzer for accurate setup.
- Running the Bode Analyzer: Connect to the Red Pitaya and launch the Bode Analyzer application. Adjust the start and stop frequencies in the settings, recommending at least 100 measurement steps for detailed analysis.
- Observing Frequency Response: The Bode plot will display two curves; the yellow curve represents the gain, while the green curve shows the phase angle. Utilize cursors for precise measurements of frequency, gain, and phase.

- Low Pass Filter Response: The initial measurement for a low pass filter will reveal significant differences from the idealized response, such as smoothed corners and discrepancies in the phase angle.
- High Pass Filter Response: By swapping the resistor and capacitor, the high pass filter's Bode plot can be analyzed, noting similar deviations from the ideal response.

This experiment with Bode plots and RC filters underlines the practical aspects of frequency response analysis in electrical engineering. The differences between theoretical and real-world responses highlight the impact of component tolerances and parasitic properties, underscoring the importance of precise measurement and calibration in circuit analysis. Through hands-on experimentation with the Red Pitaya's Bode Analyzer, we gain deeper insights into the dynamics of RC circuits, enhancing our understanding of filter design and the invaluable role of Bode plots in electronic systems engineering.