Hands on Experiments
Circuit and Electronics Experiments
Resistor Voltage DividerResistors in SuperpositionRC Circuit ResponseRC Transfer Function with Bode Analyzer Diode experimentOpAmp-Controlled LED CircuitFull Wave RectifierTransformer-Based Full Wave RectificationOpamp Non-Inverting AmplifierOpamp Inverting AmplifierModifying a comparatorInverting and noninverting Schmitt TriggerAddition with OpAmpsSubtraction with OpAmpsBand Pass FilterResistor voltage divider DACBinary weighted DACR-2R DACAn OpAmp multivibratorOpamp Sine Wave GeneratorOpamp Triangular Wave GeneratorDriving an LED with PWM signalSmoothing a PWM signal using RC filterDriving LED with Analog PWMCommon emitter transistor amplifierMeasurement Experiments
Measuring Uncertainty in Voltage MeasurementMeasuring Capacitance with Red Pitaya using Rise/Fall Time MethodMeasuring Inductance with Red Pitaya using Impedance Measurement MethodMeasuring RLC circuits Oscillating frequencyFPGA Projects
Vivado FPGA Environment:
Installation of Vivado 2020.1Programming the FPGAFPGA Projects:
LED CounterSimple LED blinkerKnight RiderStopwatchFrequency CounterSimple CalculatorMoving average on Red PitayaVGA tutorialPing pongOther Red Pitaya projects: