Linien is a user-friendly software for locking lasers using the RedPitaya (STEMlab 125-14) platform. It follows the UNIX philosophy by focusing on efficient locking using intelligent algorithms. Below are the detailed steps to install Linien on both Windows and Linux systems.
- Sinusoidal modulation up to 50 MHz, demodulation, filtering, and servo on FPGA.
- Client-server architecture for autonomous operation.
- Autolock feature for noise and jitter-tolerant locking.
- IQ demodulation for instant optimization.
- Noise analysis via power spectral density (PSD).
- Automatic relocking and machine learning for spectroscopy parameter optimization.
- Remote control through Python client libraries.
- Dual-channel spectroscopy for combined FMS+MTS.
- Logging to InfluxDB v2.
- Additional analog and GPIO outputs for controlling other devices.

Detailed Linien Overview
Please note that we have divided the Linien explanation into multiple pages for improved readability and due to the extensive content.
Linien App structureInstallation of LinienProgram Interface